Saturday, March 30, 2013

Life is full of random things

File this under “Life is full of random things”.  I rarely add people to my ‘Friends’ list on Facebook.  I have a bunch of invites, but just don’t ever think about it/get around to accepting.  The other day for some reason I was at the list and clicked a few, including one name from the past.  It’s a convoluted connection: her mother Martha, or Marty as everyone called her, is my age, a younger sister of one of my aunts, but even though just ‘in-law’ related, our families shared get-togethers and we kids grew up as an extended group of cousins.  Marty was in my class in high school for a while, and we hung out together there.  After school, everyone went their separate ways.  She married young, had her family, my aunt moved away, the generations slowly passed on, and it has been many, many years since I’d seen her.  But the other day when I saw her daughter’s name in my invites I accepted.  The daughter is Annie, named after her grandmother.  I had to think a bit to put people together, to be honest, to figure out why this person wanted to Friend me.  That was earlier this week.  I meant to message Annie to ask how the family is, just hadn’t gotten to it yet.  Tonight Annie posted that her mother passed away today.  You know the things you wish you’d done sooner?  Yeah, that’s on the list.  Marty, I hope your life was good since last we met.  Go in peace.  Annie, I hope that fond memories make this time easier for you all.