Sunday, December 6, 2009

First Snow

The first snow of the season came yesterday. Just a couple of inches, wet enough to still be frosting the tree branches, enough to have to brush it off the car (note to self: Self, when you have to brush the snow off the car, don’t wear backless clogs, put on boots to brush the car and then go back and put on the clogs to wear to the party), enough to make it a bright, sparkly morning out there. Wasn’t enough to make anybody fall off the road, at least not that I heard about.
Went to a small party last night, and of course conversation was about the snow, and that turned to conversation about the ice storm, this week coming up will be the 1-year anniversary of that. And of the ‘October 4’ storm, over 20 years ago now, that caught the area by surprise with over a foot of heavy wet snow. Every one has stories of ‘what I/we did’, what they remember, how long their power was out, how they coped. Sales of generators soared after both storms, I’m sure.
Remember how exciting the first snow was when you were a kid? And the days when school was closed because of snow – wow, now there was a holiday for sure. I used to wake Sara up and say – ‘guess what happened outside’.
A Camp Katrina friend sent photos of his dogs enjoying a romp in the snow. They live in the mountains in Virginia, and don’t get as much as often as we do, although I remember driving I-81 through there a few nasty times. The cats sat inside and watched, although Streetcar wanted to go out to chase those fluffy white things in the air.
We’ve had a few years of not much snow, have to wait to see what this year brings. Funny weather, Thursday it was 60 +, I saw people on the Northway with top-down convertibles! And yesterday it snowed – they do say about the Northeast: ‘don’t like the weather? Wait a bit, it’ll be different.’
Knew I should have put outside Christmas decorations up last Sunday, when it was a beautiful day. Now I have to stand in the snow to do it. Oh, well. Part of the fun. Off to find the decorations and plan what to do.

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