Tuesday, May 25, 2010


- One of the firefighter blogs I read regularly had a posting last week of videos taken in a town in Canada. Seems these people spotted smoke, lots of smoke, from a fire across a lake from where they were. They decided to go see what it was. The video showed their drive around the lake, through some city streets and to the street where the fire was raging. All they way, the talk on the video is about how big the fire looks, and how it looks like there are not firefighters there yet. They pass a crew paving a section of road, and comment: ‘There’s a road crew, they don’t care about putting the fire out’. Once near where the house is burning, their car is one of several stopped in the street, watching the fire, blocking access to it. They do move, to go to a street on the other side of the house and there’s a guy taking photos of the fire with his cell phone. Their video is full of comments about ‘where is the #%&*ng fire department’. Not once do you hear them say they are calling it in. Don’t see the guy with the cell phone using it to call the fire in. And there they are, in the way of any emergency equipment. Sadly, the fire went on to destroy four homes. Even sadder, that there are people like this couple, who were more interested in what everyone else wasn’t doing to do anything themselves.
Don’t be like that – fire fighters would rather get a call for something not a fire than not get called and have a bigger fire to deal with. Meanwhile, these gene pool rejects go on, thinking they are just the best because they got on You Tube. Sigh.
- Speaking of fire, the other night at the theatre the lights were flickering. At first I thought it was my eyes, but then a couple of other people noticed it and so I thought I should go check things out. Walking around the building outside, I could hear the transformer out back buzzing from way further away than I should have been able to, and when I got to where I could see it there was a big ball of fire (in reality not fire but electrical sparking/arcing) on something at the top of the pole. I said an ‘Oh #%&&’ of my own, let me tell you! Called the fire guys, called the power company, and then stood out back talking to the firemen until the power crew got there and replaced the bad fuse that was the culprit. Stuff like that scares me, even more so since the fire during the ice storm caused by a power surge, even though this situation might not have caused something like that.
- Who invented oval shaped toilets? I bet there’s not a person in the world with an oval shaped ass, yet the new thing is oval shaped toilets that you just can’t sit on easily and not be draping your drawers across the front of them. Had to have been a man.
- And have you ever noticed on some hand dryers (most of which don’t work worth tiddley-pom, takes 5 minutes to get your hands dry, although there are some that will blow the prints off your fingers) there are instructions to ‘push button, hold hands under vent, rub rapidly’ and then there is a line ‘to dry hair, turn nozzle up’. I don’t know about the rest of you but I have never seen anyone washing their hair in a rest room. Yeah - I'm in Walmart rest room, think I'll wash my hair - ? The very thought makes me go ICK. Maybe that’s just me, though.

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