Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fool Snow

April Fool, it’s snowing! Although it appears it will be only a couple of inches instead of the foot that was being predicted before the track of the storm changed, it’s still snowing. Most are saying enough, already, after a snowier winter than we’ve had in a long time. Again I say: this is what winter used to be. When it melted in March I said we will probably have at least one more storm. I remember April and even May snow storms. In the 1970’s, was still living over by my folk’s house, there was one that dumped several inches of heavy wet snow, I remember a big limb broke off one of the maple trees in front of their house, and if memory serves it almost landed on my father’s car. About 10 years ago, I had just moved all my daffodils so that the workers could get the heavy equipment in to make a new septic field, and the next night it snowed about 10 inches, I said the poor daffodils were probably saying ‘what the hey, here?!’ And in 2002 we were rehearsing ‘The Sound of Music’ and it snowed; I was writing an email to Monica who was on tour at the time and said ‘WTF-it’s Snowing – May 18 and it’s SNOWING!’ Someone made little Trapp Family snowmen on the picnic table that hadn’t been moved off the terrace yet. So, April Fool on us, winter isn’t ready to leave us alone yet. The good side, with temps in the 40 and 50’s predicted, it won’t be around long.
The daffodils and crocus are poking up, no blooms yet but they’re coming along, the iris and day lilies are coming up. I got a planting tray and seeds yesterday and may even get enough ambition to plant and then replant some flowers, we’ll see.
Here’s what I think, we can’t fight Mother Nature, so make the best of it. All that snow was good for the ground and good for the water table – with apologies to those who got too much water table and had flooded basements or worse.
Think the real thing Spring!

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