Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Crandall Theatre

Speaking of movies, in our little village there’s been a movie tragedy. Not a tragedy movie. The Crandall Theatre is closed. The Crandall started life as a vaudeville house, back in those days. When vaudeville lagged, it converted to a movie theatre. I’ve been going there since I was a little kid. I remember seeing “War of the Worlds’ there, my grandmother took us, and in my memory, on the way home there was a full moon and we looked out the windows to see if we could spot any alien space ships. I remember going there on dates in high school, and after the movie going to the Boston Candy Kitchen for ice cream. I took the kids there – we went to a Disney movie and I was laughing so much they were embarrassed and went to sit somewhere else, not with me.
The tragedy is a true one, the owner, Tony Quirino, unexpectedly passed away in January. The theatre is closed while the family recovers.
As one merchant put it ‘We look like a ghost town at night now’ – there were always cars parked on Main Street, every night of the week, while people went to the Crandall.
Tony had been in negotiation to sell the theatre. The Chatham Film Club, an active group that the Crandall helped by giving space for an annual film festival and an ‘art’ film every month, had been trying to raise the money needed to buy it. I heard last night that they are still trying and might be able to close the deal. I hope so, as they have pledged to keep the Crandall – ‘the Crandall’. I hope it happens.
I’m not anti-movie, despite being anti-excess for some things connected with movies. I like movies, I just don’t go often, especially now with the Crandall closed. It’s handy, 2 minutes away, as opposed to half an hour for other theatres. And, the best part, it was only $5.00 for admission and $1.50 for popcorn – not the $10.00 and $5.00 the big chains rip you off for. So I am hoping that the film club can complete their deal, and keep the Crandall in Chatham. It’s a needed part of the community.
Anybody around here reads this, give a donation! Please.

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