Sunday, March 28, 2010


A little idle talk of this and that, as Sancho sings in ‘Man of La Mancha’. Sancho, faithful servant as Don Quixote rides forth to tilt at windmills; faithful and caring to the end, as the musical depicts him. Wouldn’t that be nice, to have someone to follow us, to pick up the pieces when the windmill wins. Lynne keeps saying that she needs a slave and Monica and I keep telling her she’s already got us. I’d have a servant clean this disgusting house – after, of course, I got things put where I want them. And got rid of a lot of stuff that doesn’t need to be here. Maybe I’ll get to it someday, but for now, sorry, Sara, that’s still up to you after I’m gone, as of now anyway.
For now – that’s what I’ve been saying about where to put things in the new costume storage space. Yes, I know it means moving boxes twice or maybe even more times, but for now I need them out of the way so I can see where things might end up going. That’s going real well, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, almost without my binoculars.
Speaking of cleaning out, I have managed to weed out some things from the costumes that we don’t need that many of. Furs. Bridal gowns. Fabric. We get donations of things that other people are cleaning out. We use a wedding dress maybe once a season, and then it’s usually something we build to get the designer’s right look, but still get donations or offers several times a year. Furs –same thing, maybe once or twice a season, but people want to give them to us. I pulled a lot out over the past few days, and put them on Freecycle. One response said ‘just a suggestion...................if no one responds you might try contacting the MacHaydn Theater in Chatham to see if they would be interested in any of this stuff for their costume department’. Um, maybe not. . . . . . .
I had a lot of people come to get fabric, again from donations, of things we won’t use. And a desk there won’t be space for at the new storage. I love Freecycle – I’m happy that others will get use out of what we don’t need any more.
Ever notice that when you put a cup of something in the microwave to warm it up, when the turntable stops the handle will always be on the side away from the door?
My friend Noreen is getting better, at last report. I am so glad of that. I don’t know what her husband, Michael, would have done. She still has a ways to go, and still needs heart surgery, but as of a few days ago was doing better. Hopefully she gets to sit by her little backyard pond and watch the fish again this summer. Hopefully I get to go down there and sit with her.
There are not enough radio stations that play good jazz music.
We’re almost done with auditions – the local kid’s one is today, then we will have callbacks for the kid’s roles this summer, and then done, except of course for ones during the season. Almost two months of auditions. Sigh.
It is hard to type when you are holding a cat on one arm.
If you do a lot of shopping on line, check our Mr. Rebates. You get rebates by going through that site to the places you shop. Now if I can just figure out how to go through that to get books for my nook; it probably can be done, but the nook wants you to use it to get to the books you want.
There have been several ads on the radio urging people to fill out and send in their census form. There were three mailings for that, a card saying it was coming, the form itself, and then a mailing saying it had been sent. And they claim these are still cheaper than sending people around to do it in person. I guess. But three? Wouldn’t people catch on when the form came that it had been mailed to them – do they really need to be alerted to the fact that it will be and has been? OK, yeah, some people would.
Think I’ll treat myself to breakfast out today. Since I don’t have a servant to make it.
Ah, shoot, I promised gossip and I don’t have any – let’s see - - - nope, you’ll have to look elsewhere for that. Maybe I’ll get some when I go to breakfast, I’ll pass it on if I do. But I hope I gave enough chat for a while. As Amos says in ‘Chicago’: ‘hope I didn’t take up too much of your time.’

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