Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Day 2010

The day for all Americans to exercise their freedom and go out to vote. This is a ‘mid-term’ election, between the four-year ‘big’ election for president, and so it gets somewhat less attention. Although the big attention this year has been which party will have ‘control’ when the winners are declared. Will it make a difference? We can only wait and see.
Meanwhile, for the past several weeks, even months, we’ve been bombarded with tv ads, mailings, phone calls, signs – and they all seem to have the same theme: “SO AND SO IS A BIG LIAR/JERK/CROOK/BAD GUY WHO WILL ONLY STEAL YOUR MONEY AND MAKE THINGS SO MUCH WORSE THAN THEY ALREADY ARE!!!!! Oh, yeah, you should vote for me.”
I don’t know about anyone else, but I find these disgusting. They all have the same bad things to say about each other, so there’s no way to tell if there is anyone out there who can really do a good job, who really is interested in the welfare of the people they will serve. And what’s in the media doesn’t help a whole lot, because even factual stories tend to get skewed, and of course if a candidate says something offensive the very next breathe he or she says ‘Oh I didn’t really mean that, what I really meant was . . .’
Nobody any more just makes a commercial saying “Here’s what I’d like to do and here’s how I think I can do it.” Somebody did that, I’d vote for them in a heartbeat, just because they were telling me something that wasn’t how dirty the other guy is supposed to be.
As one of my friends put on Facebook ..’voting for the a**holes of my choice because after all that’s all we got to choose from.’ So I will go vote for the people of my choice, or the ones I feel are the least a**holes of what there is to choose from and hope for the best. All we can do.
As Linda used to say, part of the problem is that there are no more statesmen, there are only politicians.

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