Friday, November 12, 2010

Noreen Whyte November 2, 2010

Farewell, my wolf spirit friend
The Greater Spirit has chosen to take you to his side
This is the destiny he knew best for you
We left behind cry for missing you
But deep inside we know that this is now your place to be.

Farewell, my wolf spirit friend
I hope that now you see the places we meant to visit together
And never did - the town of shells, the place with wolves
I wish I had seen you one more time
But I know I want more to remember you
Laughing at a good joke, delighting in a good meal
Sitting by the pond …. teaching the fish to sing
A wonderful day of carousel horses and sightseeing
And ‘Goats have No-o-o- sense of direction’
The Sunday Funnies . . .
And Kira

Farewell, my wolf spirit friend
I will look for you again
In every Wolf Moon
I will hear your howl
See your face
And miss you

Oh, and by the way – the damn game – one move: 2,147,483, 648, for the game: 2,147,483,894.

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