Thursday, November 18, 2010

Streetcar Escapes!

My Streetcar cat escaped over the weekend, while I was away. Jesse said when he came by to check on the cats that the front door was open-the lock was turned on, but the door itself was open several inches, and the screen was latched. Only thing I can think is that when I left, I forgot something and ran back in to get it, and either the cat dashed out when I left from that, or I just didn’t pull the door all the way shut (which usually I do, pull it shut and check it) and he got it open.
Anyway, I got home, and Prettypurr was at the entryway to greet me but Streetcar wasn’t, so I looked through the house for him, and no black & white cat. Looked again. No Streetcar. Called him. Looked in the rooms that the doors were shut to. No Streetcar. Starting to panic. Check for messages, check email, and there’s one from Jesse, explaining about the open door. Now I am really panicked. Went outside and looked, called him. No Streetcar.
Look through the house and outside one more time, and had a complete and total melt down.
Drove through the trailer park, back to the house, looked around the storage trailer and theatre. No Streetcar.
Went to my meeting, but couldn’t give the attention I should have, because of being worried about him. Got home, put on the outside lights and looked some more, pulled up the skirting and looked under the house, went into the woods, looked in the shed. No Streetcar. Left the outside lights on, in case he was watching, so he’d know that I was home.
Called Sara and had another melt down. She reassured me he could just be hiding, and don’t give up, but I was sure, because of the feeling I’d had all weekend that something bad was happening/going to happen (like going to two funerals in three days wasn’t bad enough). Now what about the book, how could I let him be gone, after what he’s already gone through, and so on.
Well, have to do something, so I made up a poster to put around, and was going out to put some up, opened the door and there he was on the deck, wanting to know why I hadn’t let him in.
I dropped everything and grabbed him “Where were you? Don’t ever do that to me again!” He just purred.
He must have had ‘outdoors’ scent on him, because Prettypurr hissed and hissed at him, and he acted real spooky for a couple of days, but now both are back to their version of normal.
So am I. Mostly.
As Sara said ‘dumb-ass animals, anyway!’ Is it wrong to get that way about a cat? I don’t think so, given what he is, what he represents to me. I’m just a mess about my animals and that’s all there is to it.

Morning Musings:

Thursday, 11/18/10: The song ‘Tie A Yellow Ribbon ‘Round the Old oak Tree’ is playing on the radio, and it led me to wonder – What did you do that you were sent to prison, and why should she have waited for you while you were there? Another of life's little mysteries......

Friday, November 12, 2010

Noreen Whyte November 2, 2010

Farewell, my wolf spirit friend
The Greater Spirit has chosen to take you to his side
This is the destiny he knew best for you
We left behind cry for missing you
But deep inside we know that this is now your place to be.

Farewell, my wolf spirit friend
I hope that now you see the places we meant to visit together
And never did - the town of shells, the place with wolves
I wish I had seen you one more time
But I know I want more to remember you
Laughing at a good joke, delighting in a good meal
Sitting by the pond …. teaching the fish to sing
A wonderful day of carousel horses and sightseeing
And ‘Goats have No-o-o- sense of direction’
The Sunday Funnies . . .
And Kira

Farewell, my wolf spirit friend
I will look for you again
In every Wolf Moon
I will hear your howl
See your face
And miss you

Oh, and by the way – the damn game – one move: 2,147,483, 648, for the game: 2,147,483,894.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Day 2010

The day for all Americans to exercise their freedom and go out to vote. This is a ‘mid-term’ election, between the four-year ‘big’ election for president, and so it gets somewhat less attention. Although the big attention this year has been which party will have ‘control’ when the winners are declared. Will it make a difference? We can only wait and see.
Meanwhile, for the past several weeks, even months, we’ve been bombarded with tv ads, mailings, phone calls, signs – and they all seem to have the same theme: “SO AND SO IS A BIG LIAR/JERK/CROOK/BAD GUY WHO WILL ONLY STEAL YOUR MONEY AND MAKE THINGS SO MUCH WORSE THAN THEY ALREADY ARE!!!!! Oh, yeah, you should vote for me.”
I don’t know about anyone else, but I find these disgusting. They all have the same bad things to say about each other, so there’s no way to tell if there is anyone out there who can really do a good job, who really is interested in the welfare of the people they will serve. And what’s in the media doesn’t help a whole lot, because even factual stories tend to get skewed, and of course if a candidate says something offensive the very next breathe he or she says ‘Oh I didn’t really mean that, what I really meant was . . .’
Nobody any more just makes a commercial saying “Here’s what I’d like to do and here’s how I think I can do it.” Somebody did that, I’d vote for them in a heartbeat, just because they were telling me something that wasn’t how dirty the other guy is supposed to be.
As one of my friends put on Facebook ..’voting for the a**holes of my choice because after all that’s all we got to choose from.’ So I will go vote for the people of my choice, or the ones I feel are the least a**holes of what there is to choose from and hope for the best. All we can do.
As Linda used to say, part of the problem is that there are no more statesmen, there are only politicians.