Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Life With Cats:

How to bring groceries in from the car: take in one or 2 bags, leaving one hand free to unlock and open the door. Hold the bags near the floor so the cat doesn’t get out, say NO very loudly. Put the bags on the table, go back out for more, easing the door open and saying NO very loudly. Go out into the yard to get the cat, who does not do NO; put the cat inside and say ‘bad cat’. Get another load of groceries. Open the door and hold something down near the floor and say NO very loudly. Push the other cat out of the way with your foot as you walk to the kitchen. Put the bags on the table. Go back out, easing the door pen and saying NO very loudly. Go further into the yard to get the cat, who has run further from the house: put him inside and say BAD CAT. Continue to car for the 40 pound box of cat litter. Open the door slowly, saying NO very loudly. Try to avoid tripping on the other cat, or dropping the 40 pound box on her. Pet both cats, and explain that they should neither push the groceries that you don’t have time to put away off the table, nor chew through the boxes/bags to eat the cereal/bread/etc. Life with cats.
PS: Left 4 books on the table for the night, and discovered th is mornign that the thumps i eard earlier were those, hitting the floor.