Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Just another diversion

Trump taking hydroxychloroquine is a diversionary political ploy.  If indeed he is really taking it (as opposed to the statement being just another of his ‘alternative facts’), there are so many things it stirs up.  Of course, not the least of these is that if he is taking it and does not contract the disease, he will tout the drug as the reason why and bluster that “They should have listened to me, I knew all along it would save people!” and his bleach-drinking toadies will bobble their heads and say “YES! Smartest man alive, knew more than the doctors” and pledge their support even stronger. Then he will do tweet storms about how “they” (doctors and scientists and of course the public) should have listened to him because it would have stopped the spread sooner and with far fewer deaths.  And if by chance he does get it, of course he and they will attribute that to another Democratic/Obama /Biden/Pelosi plot against him, ignoring the fact that he left himself wide open to infection.  Or, is this all just another distraction from the too quickly heading towards 100,000 deaths, or better yet the alleged ‘emergency’ justifying sale of arms to Saudi Arabia, or the firing of yet another inspector general? Either way, diversionary political ploy, as are so many things he does.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Administration's answer to Coronavirus and the stock market drop

Aside from the fact that so little is being done by this administration towards protecting or helping cure people, there’s the fact that what potus wants to do is to cut payroll taxes to help the economy.   Of course he does.  Because he doesn’t understand that the majority of people who will get any benefit from this are not those who will put it into buying stocks, they will maybe pay some bills, buy something they’ve needed but couldn’t afford, put it in the bank towards an unexpected expense, and further much more practical to them things.  And the employers will do the same thing they did to put ‘trickle down’ into effect – oh, wait – they didn’t do anything, did they? It’s just another con job to make himself look like he’s doing something – which he isn’t. Because he’s banking his reelection on ‘the economy’ which to him is the stock market.  BTW, the money from those taxes goes into Social Security and Medicare.  Who wants to join me in a pool as to how long it takes him to use the fact that no money is going in to those to justify his long standing (yep, that long and lying denied) plan to cut benefits?