Sunday, October 28, 2018

Random thoughts from the past week's news and happenings:
File under: This could be amusing if it weren't so maddening:
There's a commercial sponsored by the RNC (Republican National Committee) against the Democratic candidate for Congressman in our district (NY-19).  The candidate was, briefly and years ago, a rap singer whose songs had the usual rap singer lyrics with profanity and anti-woman, anti-police, etc. themes.  At least that's what the commercial would have you believe, as women say "degrading to women" and so on.  All good Republican women, saying how terrible it is that this guy did this - good Republican women who don't mind that their POTUS bragged "grab 'em by the pu**y".  Guess that's all right, as long as you don't sing about it.

CNN (yeah, that's right one of the 'fake media' outlets) headline this morning:
In which time the man who is a rabid supporter of the POTUS was arrested for making and sending pipe bombs to the above tv station offices and several prominent Democrats; a man in Kentucky (home state of the Senate majority leader) shot and killed two black people at a supermarket and when confronted by police said "…..please don't shoot, whites don't kill whites"; and yesterday a man entered a synagogue in Pittsburgh, shot and killed 11, wounded 4, including police officers, and said he "wanted all Jews to die".  I don't know about the rest of you, but I lay some blame at the feet of those in powerful positions, who all America listens to (whether you believe them or not is up to you, but it obvious that these people did, at least in part).  Yes, I said it.  There is too much rhetoric being spewed which encourages violence, encourages hatred, encourages the people who may have been able to hold their violent feelings at bay to let them loose and act out.  The ones who should be discouraging such actions are not.
Yes, these things happened before this group came in to power, but is it just me or is there an upsurge?   "When/where will it end?" keeps being asked.   It probably won't ever completely end, but things could be done and said that would help reduce it. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening for the next (hopefully) 2 years and sadly perhaps longer.  Thoughts? 

And meanwhile the FLOTUS screens an anti-bullying movie at the White House on the day the bomber (who had Trump critics images in the crosshairs and CNN Sucks stickers all over his van) was arrested (if mailing bombs to people isn't bullying I don't know what is, never mind what her husband constantly does in tweets and out loud), this on top of her wearing the 'I Don't Care' jacket to visit the concentration camps of immigrant children and wearing clothes associated with slavery in Africa.  Oh, but she didn't mean it the way it looked the supporters and her paid staff say - I'm beginning to think she absolutely means it, that it's her way of showing how she supports the ongoing bullying actions and engages in them herself, while keeping the appearance of a sweet innocent.  Supporters point out her intelligence - yup, she is, too intelligent to do these things by accident.  That's what I think, anyway.