Saturday, June 20, 2009

Random Things

I just made a cup of tea. I have an electric pot, it’s intended for making coffee, but since I don’t do that, I took the innards out and just heat water in it. Yes, I have a teakettle, but I have a bad habit of turning the stove on under that and forgetting I did. The electric one shuts itself off. There’s a little round doohickey on the base that I presume is where the connection between pot and plug is. I sometimes wonder what would happen if I put my finger on that. Would I get a shock, or get electrocuted or would nothing happen? Don’t wonder enough to try it, though.
It’s gonna rain here again, later today, the predictions are. We now could do with a few days of non-rain. And it’s been unseasonably cool all month. What happened to the global warming? Yeah, we’ll be complaining the other way when it gets hot, which it is supposed to do next week. Weather predicting fascinates me – high pressure, low pressure – all that is a mystery to me. What made people figure out those things, anyway? ‘Gee, I think I’ll put some of this mercury stuff in a glass tube and make marks on it and then we can tell just how hot or cold it is, because we can’t do with just being hot or cold we have to know how much of each is happening’. The people who invented stuff like that were amazing.
Speaking of rain, I’ve got more leaks in more buildings than I can keep track of. There’s a leak over the stage manager’s desk that has been there for years, and nobody has been able to find exactly where it is coming from. The handyman I had started to shingle the roof, but then he left and the bundles of shingles are sitting up there waiting for the rain to stop long enough for the new guy to finish the job. The former one put a new roof on part of a cast house but he didn’t finish the job so when it rains there’s a waterfall down one wall of one room. There’s a leak in the men’s rest room ceiling, which was being directed into the sink by a judiciously placed pencil hole in the ceiling tile, but that got waterlogged the other day and fell down, so now the leak goes onto the middle of the floor. Oh, and we found a new, good sized one in the rehearsal room ceiling a week or so ago, I think that’s from a big tree limb that fell on the roof during the ice storm. And of course the hole in the other house roof from the tree that fell on it, that we are waiting on the insurance people to get their act together to resolve so it can be fixed. Plus, the first handyman said there was a leak into the kitchen of that house but nobody else has noticed anything so that might not be for real.
Yeah, and the other day when it was raining hard I was in my bathroom and felt drip –drip – drip coming from the corner of the skylight, so I have to get someone up there to check what that’s about.
Anybody want a job fixing roofs?
My good news is that Streetcar is recovered from his abscess and infection. And back to his bratty self. When I took the collar off that he had on to keep him from chewing the stitches on the drain he had in, he licked himself all over for about half an hour straight.
Found the grandson on Facebook the other day. He’s apparently been on it for a long time, but was very surprised that Meema was able to do such modern stuff. Of course, he tried to chat the other night and by the time I figured out that you just click Enter to post your part of the message, he was gone. I admit to being electronically illiterate. Most of the stuff on Facebook I can’t figure out how to do, but it is kinda fun to see what other people post.
Guess I better get my day going here. Have to send a promo mailing to camps, post the first children’s show cast list, two shows, have a meeting with the children’s theatre director, music director and stage manager, coffee house – at least with this being a real short show won’t be too late tonight getting home. And children’s theatre hasn’t started yet, so mornings are a little flexible and not quite as early. Oh, and since I am going to Maine Monday to pick up the Beauty and the Beast costumes, I have to start taking orders for lobster. Because nobody can go to Maine without bringing back lobster.
Everybody have a good weekend!

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