Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Make the most of it

Started this before the previous one about the reunion:
Oh, dear, been letting this go again – not ignoring you, honest, ‘loyal readers’ (presuming I have any readers, that is), just no inspirations. But I was given one the other day in an message from an ‘e-friend’. We talk online, and the end of her last message was: "by the way the gentleman I was speaking of is the one who lives in Schenectady xxxxxxxx--he is still devestated over his wifes death!! He didn't realize how much he loved her until she wasn't there any more-- sounds like we humans doesn't it!! Guess that is why I always run my hand over Bob's back when I go past him!! WE DO NOT HAVE 20 or 30 years to be together!! SOOO I try to make the most of it!!" **
Got me to thinking, how many people do we run our hand over their back when we go by them? OK, maybe not literally for all, but how many do we let know what they mean to us by a simple little gesture or word, on a regular basis? My list is pretty short. I’ll have to do something about that. And, at the risk of sounding like one of those syrupy emails you get every now and then, you should too.
Life’s short. Run your hand over somebody’s back today.
** this friend is in her later 70’s. I met her through another e-friend several years ago, and was delighted to be able to meet her in person last summer. She had been making other friends, and several male ones, online. Going on two years ago, all of a sudden there were no emails from her, which concerned me, but then we found out that instead of going to her son’s for Thanksgiving as was told, she went to North Carolina to meet one of these men – and they ‘clicked’ and the wedding was about two months later. So I say go for it – it’s never too late to find someone with a back to run your hand over.

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