Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Random stuff

* Sunday I planned to meet people to do a quick costume rental and then go for a nice hike somewhere, maybe the CLC down in Greenport, by the Hudson River. That all went down the tubes when two more people called about rentals that ended up taking most of the afternoon – but it was ok because one was Tirza and I haven’t seen her in a long time and we caught up chatting. Then I figured that since the day was shot anyhow, I might as well go to Walmart. Haven’t checked out the ‘new SuperWalmart’ in Hudson yet. Did that, it’s not as large as some I have seen in other parts of the country, but it’s still got a lot of stuff, and I did find some things I needed and probably a few I didn’t. I don’t like new grocery stores because you have to go around and around finding where things are, because they are all laid out differently and not all of them carry the same things. I did reflect as I went to check out that here I was with a bra and a pomegranate in the same shopping cart. Is this a great system or what? On the way home I got thinking that this big fancy store isn’t so different from the old time general stores – well, ok, they didn’t stock bras and pomegranates, but the family could come to town once a week or once a month and get clothing or fabric to make clothes, flour, penny candy, hardware, all the staples they needed until the next trip to town, which in those days was an event. So, we’ve made another circle in history, just updating to our era.
* TV – most shows have only been airing for about a month of the ‘new season’ and they’re showing reruns already. What?!? Are they running out of stories, or is this a new contract thing or what? I remember when shows used to run from fall to spring and then you got reruns. Oh, well, it gives me a chance to catch up on some that have aired opposite each other and I have to choose which to watch first. But, really, is this the new tv, three or four new shows and then two or three weeks of reruns? And they get paid how much for this?
* Speaking of getting paid how much, the radio station I listen to had a discussion on baseball player’s salaries yesterday. Not only baseball players, but some of the actors, singers and so on – not to mention CEO’s of some companies – ridiculous salaries, just so out of line. Yeah, they bring in the bucks to their employers, at least the players bring in bucks for their teams, and the stars bring viewers to movies and tv. Not gonna comment on the CEO’s and their ‘golden parachutes’. And for what? When our medics and EMT’s have to work two and three jobs to get enough hours to get enough to pay their bills. They save people’s lives. What do the ballplayers do? What’s wrong with this picture and our system? And will it ever get fixed? Nope, not that I can see. Sigh.
* Here’s what I think: they should put some of us ’common folk’ in charge to straighten out some of this stuff. We know where the priorities are. Will it happen? Nope, not that I can see.
* but I still think it's kinda cool that I can buy a bra and a pomegranate in the same store

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