Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Oscar's and Excess

I didn’t watch the Oscars. I admit it. It may be un-American, but there it is. I know, especially since I’m in the ‘entertainment business’, I should. But, there’s just too much hype and folderol with them, and too much talk for too little action. Plus, I haven’t seen and probably won’t see most of the movies; or know most of the people nominated. Just doesn’t make any difference to me.
I understand it was a pretty good show this year, according to the people who did watch. That the thanks given by the winners was limited – that’s another reason I don’t watch, I mean, it’s nice that they want to thank everyone from Mom and Dad to their hairdresser’s neighbor’s cat groomer, but that doesn’t interest me a bit. I understand that one winner thanked the men and women in the armed forces and I think that’s great. Otherwise, blah-de-blah, de-blah, de-blah. Should have thanked those people in person when they did the job for you.
And this year, maybe subconsciously it was my own private protest. Look at the Oscars. First there’s the movies themselves, costing how many millions of dollars to make. The stars making how many millions of dollars. The ‘goody bags’, the gowns, the speakers and presenters, the security, the press – the excess of it all. It’s a show that many enjoy, but it’s all about excess. The winners sell more tickets so the movies can make more money, that goes where? Now that’s a good question-gotta go into somebody’s pockets and I wonder whose-no doubt someone who already has quite enough there. All about excess.
Meanwhile, all over the country, live theatres are closing because they don’t have enough money to keep running. Not to say that the Tony Awards aren’t their own little exercise in excess, but not to the extent of the Oscars. But those theatres provided entertainment to thousands of people too, enriched the lives of thousands, provided employment, enhanced the quality of life in their area, contributed to the overall economy. They don’t deserve to close. How about sending some of that excess their way, our way?
Yeah, right, like that’s gonna happen. There’ll be another Oscars extravaganza next year and the year after and so on. And more theatres will close.
Here’s what I think – the Oscar for helping cause that goes to, in part to – the award excess. Is there a way to even the playing field? Nope, not that I can see happening. Sad, but true.

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