Sunday, July 4, 2010

July 4 - Happy Birthday, America

July 4 – Happy Birthday America. There were fireworks at the end of the ‘FunDay’ on the fairgrounds, we can hardly see them from the back of the theatre any more, the trees have grown up so high, but some went out and watched anyway. They were quite noisy, and during moments in “The Secret Garden” that did not match the booming. The only time that worked was once when we were doing “1776” and the fireworks went off as they were tolling the bell for the men to come up and sign the document.
I hope that all take a moment from their play, cook-outs, swimming, or working (EMS, fire, police, and people like my friend Laurie, who is driving a load from Houston to Wisconsin) and give thought to the real reason for the day. Think about our ancestors, who defied their mother country and declared themselves a free and independent nation. Think about the courage, the daring to do that. But their forefathers had already made a daring giant step, to come here, to strike out blindly to a new land, and a new life. Things could be a lot different for us all if they all had not done that. So also when you think, say “Thanks” to them all for giving us what we have today.
Me, I’m off to work, too. Two shows and then changeover from “The Secret Garden”, which has been one beautiful show in which everything: the voices, the set, the children doing major roles, the leads, the ensemble, the costumes all clicked to create majestic magic. The people who did not come see it have missed a treasure.
But, we celebrate the Fourth. We have Patriotic Night in the coffee house on Friday and Saturday – almost everyone in the company joined in a medley of patriotic songs from “The Star Spangled Banner to God Bless America to Anchors Away to God Bless The USA”. Those same great voices singing those stirring songs was memorable, and as always I got a little snuffly. Everyone sang “The Star Spangled Banner”, on their feet (although not all put their hands over their hearts, I noticed but will not comment on). Makes me proud, makes me happy.
We will also have a cookout, between shows, a nice break.
And, since I have to dig out the grill and take it up to the theatre, I guess I better get to work.
Happy Fourth, everyone – enjoy it, but please take the moment to think and say thanks.

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