Monday, August 1, 2011

Odd comments and smoke alarms

So, a patron came to the office door Saturday night and asked ‘what was the fire that is mentioned in the program?’. I started to explain, got interrupted several times (and that’s just my favorite thing in the world as some know) as I was trying to, and finally it was apparent that she was more interested in how it started than the fact that 11 people got out safely and they weren’t the people she was watching on stage they were the tech crew (I think I told her that about 5 times). Each time I tried to explain to her about the County Cause and Origin Team, who are very well trained in this sort of thing, and the insurance investigator coming to the same conclusion: ‘unknown accidental cause’, she interrupted again with a ‘but they must have some idea’ and ‘what do you mean they don’t know’. My patience was getting more worn as she went on, but the final straw (and I was good, I didn’t tell her what I wanted to, didn’t even – well hardly even – raise my voice, but it did get a bit hard) was when she said ‘well! that seems fishy!’ ‘That was when my voice went hard and I asked her ‘Why do you say it seems fishy?’ Guess what – she didn’t have an answer for that, just mumbled ‘well – because – well – ‘ a few times.
Now, she might have been an arson investigator. Might have won firefighter of the year award wherever she’s from. Might know a whole lot more than I do about fires (and I’ve been to a lot of them, although admittedly I’m not a firefighter, and I went to arson school long ago). But from the way she looked and talked I kinda doubt it. So why would she say something like that? Obviously for whatever reason she’s got an interest in fire, but still, what would lead to such a remark. Is she a citidiot who would of course think that here in the sticks we wouldn’t have people who could find a fire cause – not so, at all, our team is good. Is she just a trouble making busybody – kinda more my thought – or did she go through a fire herself at some time? Won’t ever know. What’s the moral of this story? Not sure, just wanted to mention this odd happening. Well, yeah, I guess there is one – don’t interrupt, you’ll get through the conversation and learn everything it was about a lot faster. And don’t make comments when you don’t know everything – or anything – about the subject matter.
Here’s what I think: I’m just glad all the kids got out. Smoke alarms, Smoke Alarms, SMOKE ALARMS! Was talking to a person yesterday who said ‘oh, ours don’t work right so we took the batteries out’. I told her I have 11 people walking around today who wouldn’t be if they’d done that. She said ‘oh, maybe we better get ours fixed.’ $24.95 for a 6-pack at Home Depot. Is your life worth that?
And to the woman who thinks it’s fishy – glad you were enjoying the show, but: ‘Fishy This!’ ya nitwit!

1 comment:

OLDMANC said...

THINKING "FISHY" IS NOT NEAR As good as going fishing !!!