Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Gun carriers - helping their cause or setting it back?

A facebook page for a sporting/hunting goods place I shop at a lot (they have great deals on camping things and shoes) asked if readers think that the groups that get together and storm stores and restaurants with their big guns showing are helping the cause of gun people or setting it back.  I told them:   
Setting it back.  Whether those carrying admit they mean to or not, these tactics come across as bullying and intimidation.  Realistically, why would you need to carry a semi-automatic rifle into a store or restaurant?  It’s showing off to the worst degree.  And no, I am not anti-gun, I have owned and used guns.  I am anti-killing and anti-stupidity.  If having better regulations on the owning of guns (notice I did not say not having them) means there will be no more Columbine or Sandy Hook or Aurora or weekends of deaths in Chicago I am for it.  Having a gun, responsibly using it for hunting, target shooting or personal protection – nothing wrong with that.  Getting a gang together and carrying assault weapons into a store or restaurant – a lot wrong with that.  You’ll do more for your cause without that.    

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