Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Gov and The Prostitute

Haven’t had anything to rant about for awhile - well, was in NYC for a week and came home from there with a nasty cold or bronchitis or something and didn’t have the oomph to do anything, but of course the week’s news has provided fodder.

Fodder: the New York State news of the week, of course, with the Governor getting caught with his pants down and his *#+^ up. The big question from most is ‘Why?’ and ‘What was he thinking?’ and ‘How could he think he could get away with it?’ The last is my question, because doesn’t anyone in any kind of position like that know that there are people searching and waiting for even the tiniest lapse of good sense to grasp on and make the most of? And this did not need much making. But the rich and powerful think they are somehow above reproach and will do such things and then be first surprised, then deniant (nope, don’t know if that is a word) and then repentant and perhaps after those indignant - not about what done but that they got caught.

To those who asked ‘Why?’ I say - he’s a man. Speaking from personal experience, if they think they can get away with it, they’ll try it. Or even if they don’t think they can get away with it. Must go back to the old hunter-gatherer thing, or some such. I don’t know. The other side of that is that none of us know what his personal situation was - personally I don’t want to, but obviously something beyond his at-home reach was needed.

‘What was he thinking’? I use the quip a lot, wish it was mine, but it has been credited to several high-paid comedians: “he’s a man - he was thinking with the little head. Mother Nature gave men two heads, but then only gave them enough blood to run one at a time”. Once again, thinking he was high enough, clever enough, above it all enough, who knows - but he did get caught, and now NYS is ‘Under New Management’.

Let’s hope this one knows which head to think with. I already like one comment, Mr. Patterson is credited with a quick wit and dry humor, which is evidenced by his response to a reporter’s question ‘Have you ever patronized a prostitute?’ His answer: ‘Only lobbyists’.

Then there’s Letterman’s Top Ten List: Why Spitzer thought he could get away with it - #1 reason: Didn’t Clinton make it legal? I’m not even goin’ there.

Meanwhile, who makes out like - well, like a prostitute in politics? The girl! From a relative unknown, outside of her own certain ‘intimate’ circles, she’s skyrocketed into stardom, a whole issue of the NY Post (well, let’s consider that a moment) devoted to skin pics, a household word - she’ll probably end up with a book and movie contract out of it, and a whole lot more fame and money than a whole lot of much more deserving people ever find.

That’s the way the world is. There’s screwers and screwees, and all too often the wrong people are on the wrong end of whichever action and definitely not the right ones getting the rewards - seems especially true when politics gets into it.

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