Tuesday, February 17, 2009

All I Know Is What I Read In the Papers:

Police: Islamic TV station founder beheaded wife
In the Buffalo, NY area - a side story to this one leads me to believe it’s an ethnic (for want of a better word) thing. They were going through a messy divorce, and who knows what triggered it. He turned himself in after doing this. Charged with second-degree murder, how they figure those levels of charges I can’t figure out. Not that there hasn’t been a similar atrocity in a WASP setting, but this is another nail in the intolerance of other religion/culture/etc. lid. Ick!

02/16/09 05:31 PM
Fire in fire hall damages trucks, ambulances
Also in the Buffalo area, what’s going on out there? One truck burned up, the building was heavily damaged and other trucks and an ambulance suffered lesser damage. A small, rural company, I’m guessing, although the report did not say for sure. Whether that or a larger one, it’s a blow to the department and their coverage area. No doubt surrounding companies will step in to take up the slack, that’s what we do.

Woman's life in danger after chimp attack
Now this one just boggles my mind. The woman went to her friend’s house after the friend called to say she couldn’t get her pet chimp Travis (ok, who names a chimpanzee Travis?) in the house. Turns out the chimp had a history of aggressive actions. Oh, and not a cute little Tarzan movie size chimp, nope this guy was a 200-pounder. That’s past pet status. No matter how long you’ve had them, how sweet they are, they are a wild animal. Any animal can ‘turn’, no matter what kind, how tame, some thing can set them off. But chimps, the article says, are 3 times as strong as a human of comparable size and more unpredictable than many. So why would you have one for a pet? Who knows? Now the owner has lost the chimp (it was destroyed by the police who were called to the scene because it was going after them, and I know that some ‘animal people’ are probably outraged but, hey - - -) plus her friend will be permanently scarred both physically and mentally, if she lives through the attack. What are some people thinking? Who knows?

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