Friday, February 20, 2009

Chimp Attack Cartoon

What I read in the papers:

Okay, so the whole chimpanzee attacking a woman thing was bad enough. And the more I read about the owner and how she treated it - well, thinking on how I am with my pets, I guess I can't say anything. The victim has now been moved to a hospital that can do more reconstructive work, as I understand it. Whole thing gives me shivers.
But what gave me more than shivers was the cartoon in the New York Post the day following it. That was just about the most offensive thing I have ever seen published. I mean, yeah, the Second Amendment, Freedom of the Press and all that, but geez loweeze, folks, have some compassion, some just plain old common sense! That was just plain disgusting. Whole thing reeks of self-serving sensationalism. I see they have now offered 'explanations' and 'apologies'. I have yet to read those. Below is my letter to the editor.

To the Editor
New York Post

Your cartoon of February 18 is appalling, and an insult to people of sensitivity and sensibility everywhere.

Whether or not the intent was to show a racist theme, it does this. A responsible artist and newspaper needs to look not only at the content of the cartoon, but also at how it will be perceived by your readers. This was not done.

It also makes light of a horrible event that left physical and emotional scars on those involved in it as well as those reading of it who are caring people.

You have shown by printing this cartoon that you are not. It is an insult and an affront to animal lovers and to people of ethnic background.

An apology is due all. You were wrong and now need to have the integrity to stand up and say so. But, since you thrive on controversy and outrageousness, you won’t, you will consider this a circulation builder, and continue to exploit it. I would never spend a cent on your paper, and only know of this cartoon through sources other than yours. You are cowards and trouble-makers who live on the misfortunes of others. A sad commentary on what the press could really accomplish.

Barbara Peduzzi
1925 State Route 203
Chatham, NY 12037

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