Saturday, April 3, 2010


Spring seems to have sprung in our corner of the world. Of course, it’s more likely a ‘faux spring’, a teaser of a few days of glorious weather that will turn chilly and rainy and then ease into the real thing in a few more weeks. But temps in the 70’s in early April – we’ll all take it.
I just hung laundry outside for the first time this year. Yeah, I have a dryer, but I just love the smell, especially sheets, of things that dry in the sunlight.
Remember back before there were dryers? I remember hanging things on the clothesline in winter, and they would freeze solid before they dried. Then you’d try to take them in when the wind was blowing – well, there’s nothing like getting whacked in the head by a pair of frozen jeans, let me tell you. And try to fold them to get them into the wash basket – nope, no way. You’d have to make a stack, and then turn to get through the door.
I also remember hanging diapers (yes, cloth diapers, none of these ‘huggies’ when I was changing the baby) out one very windy day – by the time I got to the far end of the clothesline, the ones I’d hung first were dry!
About 10 years ago, about this time of year, I had to have my whole septic system dug up and redone. That meant moving flower beds that were right where the backhoe would have to be. So I did that, with the daffodils just ready to bloom, again it was quite warm. Then there was a very warm day, so I went over to Lindenwald to take the nature trail hike. That night the weather changed and it snowed about a foot. Those poor little flowers were saying ‘what the hey, here-first we’re moved then we’re snowed on-what’s goin’ on?’ So I won’t be surprised to see another snowstorm. But it won’t stay around long, if it happens.
Meanwhile, I have to start picking up the yard, raking the leaves off the flower beds – and figuring out where to put the garden bed I bought at the Austerlitz Historical Society festival last fall. It was a good idea then. It’s about 6x8’ or so I guess, and makes a bed raised about 10”, which will be nice, but I have to find a space with enough sunlight to put it. There’s the rub, with al the trees around my house. Then get topsoil and put into it, and then plant the garden. Making myself tired to think about it.
That’s for another day, today I have to meet the person bringing back the surrey, and work on show rentals, including the one that I told in January to get me measurements as soon as possible because of all I had going on. She sent them two days ago. Sigh.
Happy Easter, Happy Spring!!

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