Tuesday, January 20, 2009

An Historic Day

JANUARY 20, 2009 What an historic day this is. Whether or not you voted for Barak Obama, whether you are Democrat or Republican, left or right wing (personally I never did figure out what that means or who is which), conservative or liberal, you have to ‘fess up that this is an historic time. Who would have thought that in the span of one generation that African-American/Negro/Black, call them what you will, that one race of people could go from not being able to sit at lunch counters, ride in the front of the bus, drink from the same water fountains as white people to having a President of the United States? Not Martin Luther King, for all his memorable speeches and visions. Not Rosa Parks, who just wanted to sit down because she’d worked hard that day. Not the thousands of protest marchers, the children who were bussed to the first integrated schools, the reporters, the government which voted in history making legislation, no one could have guessed that our country would make such a giant step.

Slavery was a big issue in the First Continental Congress, at least according to the show 1776. Rutledge, from South Carolina, challenges Thomas Jefferson and the other men in that hot Philadelphia room that while they are debating freedom they are forgetting those who are not free in the soon to be a new country. His song Molasses to Rum to Slaves is one of the most powerful in any show. It was almost 100 years later that Abraham Lincoln’s presidency finally freed that part of the United States population, causing the most devastating conflict to take place in our country, the Civil War. Another hundred years had to pass before the race was made equal under law, if not in the thinking of some people. And now, a mere 40 years after that, there will be an African-American president and his family sleeping in the White House tonight.

Does this take away the pain of anyone who lost a family member, loved one, friend in those rough days of the 1960’s Civil Rights Movement when one race fought another for freedom? Does it take away the feelings of those treated like a lower class for so many years in so many ways? Does it negate the thousands of people treated as property in the days of slavery? Does it heal the injustice that still does go on, even if it is only in a look or a mumbled comment from someone whose thinking is warped away from equality? No to all of the above. But is surely does help to balance the scales in the memory of all those who fought for equality and freedom.

I don’t care who you are for or against, you gotta admit that.

I admit to being a little more aware, since my grandson is mixed race, half African-American, but regardless, you gotta admit today is indeed historic.

Obama’s got a rough road ahead, whoever got into the office would, given the shape we’re in right now. Can he fix things? Who knows, but he’s taking the challenge and given the way that history has been working, here’s what I think: he’s got a pretty good shot at it. Give him time, give him a chance. We might see even more history made.

January 20, 2009. What an historic day this is. Not one I thought I’d ever see.


Unknown said...

As I do pay some attention to politics, I have to comment on this "Historic Day". It is true the President Obama is 1/2 Black and he is the one who is constantly reminding everyone of the fact, except he forgets the 1/2 part. That withstanding, I have no gripe with the color of his skin as much as the radical left wing politics he represents.

Aman of little or no experiance, who comes from the most corupt political machine in the land, who barely served any time as an elected official is elected to the highest office in the land mostly on the color of his skin. There are many more qualified people of African decent who would have made a better choice. His views on issues are changed from day to day and his "team" and cohartes are not going to make the vast majority of the American people happy. He has positioned himself to hid behind his color and any one who diagrees will be accused of being anti-black. He and those from the left will pick away at the rights of the American people and will take away the freedoms this country was built on......

His cabinet posts are being filled with some people that should be in jail or at least barred from public office and the wimpy congress (mostly Democrat) rubber stamp his poor picks.

In closing I must say you are correct in that it is a historic day. The historic event of a Black becoming the President is the part we can all be proud of, the man (Obama) is not the best person to be carrying that banner and hold on America, you are in for some very bad times.


crs224akameema said...

Not to get into a political debate - whether or not Obama is the best man, black or white, for the position - seems to me the last guys in there didn't do such a great job with it. Maybe there were other African-Americans who could do better, but none of them stepped up. Only time will tell, and if it is another screw-up hopefully there will be a way out. If it isn't, I'll say nyeah, nyeah. Gonna have to wait and see.