Saturday, January 31, 2009

Saturday morning headlines

Springsteen revs up for Super Bowl Halftime
Guess this means Bruce Springsteen is gonna be the entertainment. I'll guess he doesn't have any 'costume malfunctions'. This is how much attention I pay to the Super Bowl-first I knew who the entertainment was going to be was when I read this headline. It kind of amazes me that with the economy around the country in the toilet like it is, how many hundreds of thousands of people without work, people killing their families because they lost their jobs, people losing homes, leaving pets behind, people having to choose between heating and eating that there is an event like this that will cost millions for the highly touted ads, the entertainment, not to mention the player's salaries, the rings, the price of a ticket, all the escess, and people can't feed themselves or their families. Something is wrong here, and I sure don't know how to fix it or who ever could.

At least 7 dead in bus crash near Hoover Dam
Sad – people coming for a vacation, probably saved up for a long time to do it, and this is what happens. No word that I saw on the cause of the crash, but I will make a guess. I've driven that road, and when you get up to that part of it, it's pretty steep and winding. I will guess the generic 'speed too fast for conditions', judging from accounts of those watching it happen, swerved back and forth across the road, into the median, crash. Now, I know that most people drive too fast for conditions – witnessed it first hand going up to Saratoga the other day in the snow – and I did notice a few of them in the snow alongside the road, which I love to see, btw, when someone has gone speeding past me. But one of the ones I particularly noticed was – yup, a bus. Big ol' Trailways, in the hammer lane, passing everybody who was slowing down on a curve, heavy traffic, slick road, a wreck a little ways ahead. And there goes the bus, with presumably a bunch of people on it, passing them all. Hey, driver – YOU are responsible for all those people, not to mention the other drivers around you. But, nope, they're not going to crash, not them. I hate busses, but that's all for another story.

Obama's Super Bowl guests revealed
By the time I got to this link, this story was nowhere to be found. But do we really care who watches the Super Bowl with the president. I guess some body must, or they wouldn't report on it. And, yeah, I guess we should because he could have spies and who knows what all in there with him, cheering on whichever team – but really? Isn't there enough real news? Guess not.

Drew Peterson, fiance call it quits
Remember Drew Peterson? Investigated in the disappearance of two of his wives, not enough evidence to charge him in either? The way I read this story it sounded like she did the auitting, not him, but whatever. Now this man is the epitome of egotistical, plus being a bit stupid and probably a murderer, but at least he was smart enough to do that so he has not been caught and charged – yet. He did a tv interview where he said that with women he likes younger ones and the thrill is the chase, once he has them for a while he gets tired of them. He then watched the interview with his current (now ex) fiance. She got pissed – can't say I really blame her – to think that she'd be replaced (or worse, given his record) and a fight took place, ending with her leaving and then coming back with her father, who had to call the cops to get her things out of his place. Smart girl – not too smart to get hooked up with such a scum bag in the first place, but smart girl to walk out, still alive. Somebody needs to nut this guy.

Horse Abuse Leads to Jail Time
I have been following this one for several months, in the Missoula paper. Seems a father and son (I think from New Jersey but I don't remember for sure) from someplace where they don't have much to do with horses, mountains, back country and all that macho stuff, bought four horses and went off into the mountains for an extended pack trip. They did not take care of the horses, lots of things that are pretty disturbing: the horses got sores, malnutrition, lots of problems, and they left one by the trail almost dead when two women came along and found it, rescued it, and somehow the men were found and charged with 21 counts of animal cruelty. They are sentenced to just under 2 years in jail each and must pay damages plus for the care of the horses. There is some justice, although not enough. The son had never been on a horse before, never mind know how to take care of one, especially in those conditions. How do you spell d-a-m-n-f-o-o-l-s? Should have been them laying beside the trail covered with sores and skinny as a rail. But that's just what I think.

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