Sunday, April 5, 2009

The 2nd Amendment email

I got an email this morning from someone who sends me things from time to time – I have never met him in person, only through the internet, and he has been sending me stuff for probably a couple of years now, that he obviously gets in emails (I know this because every forward the item has gone through is still attached). I’m not sure how I got to be on his mailing list, except that he did send me some family history things he had come by that were interesting (another story) and I did talk with him back when that happened. Guess I got into his address book and stayed there.
Anyway, this email, which I tried to copy and paste and had no luck with the pictures which are the major part of it, was titled ‘The 2nd Amendment’ and was all about guns and having guns and is led off with a front on picture of a revolver, followed by supposed witticisms about having guns and then more pictures, one of a monkey shooting a pistol under the caption ‘Go Ahead, Punk, Make My Day’. The whole thing ended with
I'm a firm believer of the 2nd Amendment!
If you are too, please forward.

Now, several questions went through my head when I opened this. First of course was why are you sending this to me and why don’t you clean the forwards off of it first. Then I glanced through it and asked again, why are you sending this to me. Because you have no idea what my stance on guns and gun control and the 2nd Amendment is. And my next question was are you kidding – you are actually sending this, something like this, right now, when I have just read about not only the shootings in Binghamton, NY, and then the police officers killed in Pittsburgh, but the latest tragedy, 5 children shot by their father in Tacoma, Washington. On top of all that tragedy, that senseless killing with guns, you are sending me this, not knowing how I feel about guns and gun control or even if maybe, God forbid, I lost someone in any of those events. Which of course led to the next question: ‘What is WRONG with you?’ That you are taking it upon yourself to presume that I agree with you, that I share your views, and that I won’t be disturbed by the content of this email.
I don’t even know this person enough to argue with him about all of this, but I did send the following to him:
“Yeah, and guns had nothing to do with 14 tragic deaths in Binghamton, 3 police officers dying in Pittsburgh and 5 children -CHILDREN - being shot in Tacoma, Washington. That's 22 senseless deaths in THREE DAYS. Not to mention that probably many more around the country, and ones in other countries (6 gay men shot in Iraq, for example - just gleaning facts from the morning headlines). I'm not against guns, I'm not against people hunting and having guns and in extreme circumstances using them to defend themselves. I am against the senseless killings that go on and on and on. With guns. I am for some method of better control, and no, I don't know what that is.”
Doesn’t he send back, ps of course still attached to the original questionable email: I side with you.
Really? Then what was your logic in sending the original message? Sigh. People. Sometimes I just don’t get them.
Meanwhile, each of these tragedies has a similar theme: the shooter lost their job. Plus in one the shooter was derided for not having good English – so he goes and shoots people at a place where they try to teach it – why? In another the shooter thought that Obama was going to take away his gun rights – has anyone heard anything about this, because I sure haven’t, although I don’t follow a lot of politics all that closely. Well, he’ll sure as hell get them take n away now. And the third, I can’t even comment on. You lost your job so you shoot your family – and he’s not the first to do so.
So, like I said, I am for some better method of control over who has guns and who has the right to senselessly slaughter innocent people because they have a problem. And, like I said, I don’t know the answer, don’t even begin to have a clue. But here’s what I think: somebody should get together and get one, because right now the right to bear arms isn’t doing such a great job at keeping us safe. And something needs to.

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